radicalizes children
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Radicalization of children

I’d like to address another very popular Palestinian propaganda: each time more evidence of their child-martyrdom cult emerges, they always bring up the picture below (or some of the photos it contains), to show that “Israel radicalizes children” too.

Israeli children look at weapons during a display by the army at Ammunition Hill as part of Independence Day celebrations in Jerusalem, Apr 24, 2007. Israel is celebrating its annual Independence Day, marking 59 years since the founding of the state in 1948. AP Photo/Kevin Frayer
Israeli children look at weapons during a display by the army at Ammunition Hill as part of Independence Day celebrations in Jerusalem, Apr 24, 2007. Israel is celebrating its annual Independence Day, marking 59 years since the founding of the state in 1948. AP Photo/Kevin Frayer

To see why this claim is entirely false, we just need to look at the origin of those photos.

All photos showing Israeli children holding guns, are originated from a single Israeli photographer Gali Tibbon, taken during IDF weapons displays on several Israeli independence days (some of them date back to 2006-2007).

On the other hand…

Radicalizes Children
Palestinian boys dressed in the uniforms of the Palestinian security forces in the West Bank city of Nablus

So according to the Palestinian propaganda, kids inspecting guns on several Israeli independence days, is entirely equivalent to:

  • Teaching children since birth that the ultimate goal of life is martyrdom, and murdering Jews.
  • Palestinian children in kindergartens imitating stabbing Jews, kidnapping IDF soldiers and dying as martyrs.
  • Palestinians terrorists organization recruiting young kids and teenagers as operatives, and sending them to the battlefield.
  • Hamas camps in which children undergo actual military training, along with constant brainwashing in favor of violence and antisemitism. A much worse version of the Nazi Hitlerjugend (“Hitler Youth”).
radicalizes children
At Summer Camp, Hamas Raises the Next Generation of Killers – Radicalizes Children

The biggest issue with all of that, is that of those atrocities and child abuse are promoted by the Palestinian government, which also operates a “Pay for Slay” fund, for paying terrorists and their families.

radicalizes children
At Summer Camp, Hamas Raises the Next Generation of Killers – Radicalizes Children

“Hi, I’m Assoud the rabbit. I’ll eat all the Jews and end them!” On the children’s TV program Tomorrow’s Pioneers, which Hamas aired in the Gaza Strip in the late noughties, a stuffed rabbit explains to a little girl why one should hate Jews. “They took over our country,” “They are cursed by Allah!” – the bunny chirps, waving his arms theatrically. Assoud has a large “plush” company. They include Farfur the mouse, who looks suspiciously like Mickey Mouse, Nahul the bumblebee and Nassour the bear. And each has a story for the young viewer. Farfur, for example, was eventually killed – by the Israelis, of course. This happened in June 2007, when Hamas decided to stop using the “Western” image of Mickey Mouse and replace him with another character. And Nahul the bumblebee, who was replaced by a stuffed rabbit in February 2008, died because he could not get medicine because of the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip.


Anytime you hear some propagandists screaming about Palestinian children, try asking them if they care about those children being constantly abused by their government. I already know what the answer will be.

“Thousands of children are being recruited and used in armed conflicts around the world. These boys and girls, who are often referred to as “child soldiers,” are subjected to extensive forms of exploitation and abuse that are not fully captured by this term,” the UN Children’s Fund says on its website.

The recruitment of children into armed groups is a serious crime and is prohibited by international law. However, teenagers with guns in their hands are a common occurrence for military conflicts in the Middle East. Young jihadists were met in the ranks of ISIS, the Taliban and the Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas, the Palestinian organization that launched the attack on Israel, also has military units consisting of underage fighters.

Shlomo Fishman

Combating propaganda with facts and common sense

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7 months ago

How do you fight something like that? Just with guns. Palestine will never become an independent state minding its own business for the rest of the muslim world doesn’t want it

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