New European values
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Two important news

First News:

In Paris, a man kidnapped a Jewish woman, raped her and declared that this was “Revenge for Palestine.” The woman has nothing to do with Israel, she has spent her whole life in France. French Themis reacted accordingly: The kidnapping charge was rejected by the prosecutor’s office, which considered that “the facts do not look sufficiently substantiated.” Regarding the rape allegations, the prosecutor stated that they “require further investigation as part of the preliminary investigation.” The suspect has been released under house arrest.

New European values
New European values

I recall the story of 2017, when an emigrant from Mali threw an elderly Jewish woman out of a window, after brutally beating her, shouting “Allahu Akbar” and “I killed Shaitan.” The woman died. The court considered the fact that the killer was stoned to be a mitigating circumstance and he was placed in a psychiatric clinic.

Second News:

The UN Secretary General refused to blacklist Hamas for sexualized violence. In the presence of numerous testimonies, survivors, and a detailed report by UN Special Representative Pramila Patten, who confirmed the facts of mass gang rapes on October 7, António Guterres, whose best friend at one time was Yasser Arafat, refrained from adding the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas to the list. But at the same time, he called for “investigating sexual violence against Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons.”

General Guterres, Arafat New European values
This is UN Secretary General Guterres, who was close to Arafat and Abu Jihad in the 70s.

However, considering that the United Nations is sitting as if nothing had happened: Iran, which now heads the Forum on Human Rights and Russia, which is conducting a systematic genocide of the Ukrainian people, we will not be particularly surprised. Just fixing it. There is no special question about the French either. It’s obvious why French Jews are rushing into Israel in droves

Sergey Auslender

Sergey Auslender

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