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The death of Muhammad al-Araj: the tragedy at the Rafah checkpoint

On the evening of February 16, 2024, a violent clash broke out at the Rafah checkpoint between Gaza and Egypt, where hungry Palestinians attacked food trucks. In response, Hamas police opened fire, resulting in the death of Palestinian teenager Muhammad al-Araj. This was reported by Channel 12’s Arab affairs columnist Safir Lipkin.


Teen Death Response

The incident sparked outrage among local Palestinians, as al-Araj was reportedly seeking food for his family and posed no threat. His family’s prominence in the community exacerbated tensions in the area.

Hamas attempted to distance itself from the incident, calling the protesters “criminals” and casting doubt on reports of the teenager’s death. Previous humanitarian aid distributions had led to disorder and looting by both Hamas and local residents, according to Egyptian sources.

Hamas shooting

The shooting by Hamas police at the Rafah checkpoint exacerbated the already dire situation in Gaza. The incident further highlighted the instability and danger to civilians in the conflict zone.

Dozens of people took part in a protest in Rafah, where they blocked the road and set fire to tires on the road near the police station. Earlier, men from the same clan helped Hamas guard humanitarian aid shipments entering Gaza.
“We demand that the Hamas authorities answer for these actions. They asked us to protect the entrances to the sector and the humanitarian aid, but today they shot a member of my clan. We demand blood revenge,” said one of the Palestinians during the protest.

The events at the Rafah checkpoint, where hungry Palestinians attempted to confiscate food, and the ensuing violence and rioting at the checkpoint, are just one manifestation of more serious problems between local residents and representatives of the Hamas organization.

This is not the first time that information has surfaced that the militants are controlling all humanitarian aid entering the region.

The Ynet news agency recently published a video from Gaza showing how humanitarian aid is being sold at inflated prices in local markets. The video’s creator claims that in Rafah, for example, tents are sold for 2,800 shekels – the amount that could have been used to build an apartment before the war.

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