Israel and Hamas agree deal. the Guardian Israel and Hamas agree deal
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Fifty Israeli hostages held in Gaza will be freed over four days in exchange for the release of 150 Palestinian prisoners and a lull in Israeli military operations

A statement from the Israeli prime minister’s office said the “lull” in Israeli military operations would be extended for an additional day for every 10 more hostages released. It did not say when the ceasefire would start, though in his address to his cabinet, Benjamin Netanyahu said the first hostages should be free within 48 hours of the agreement.


Qatar’s foreign ministry said early on Wednesday that the start time of the deal would be announced in the next 24 hours and that the ceasefire will “allow the entry of a larger number of humanitarian convoys and relief aid, including fuel designated for humanitarian needs”.

Hamas confirmed an agreement had been reached, calling it a “humanitarian truce” in which 150 Palestinian women and children would be freed from Israeli jails. The militant movement said that expanded humanitarian deliveries were also part of the agreement, as well as a halt to Israeli air sorties over southern Gaza during the four-day pause, with sorties over northern Gaza restricted to six hours a day. According to the Hamas statement, Israel agreed not to arrest anyone in Gaza for the duration of the temporary truce.

Ensuring that the terms of the deal are met from their side will require Hamas to ensure that all 50 hostages reach the borders of Gaza safely, a major logistical challenge . The group previously indicated during negotiations that they were unaware of the exact location of every hostage due to the varied groups holding them across the territory.

Israel and Hamas agree deal for release of some hostages and four-day ceasefire

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