Sample 2000 U.S. Adult Citizens - Survey Results
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Sample 2000 U.S. Adult Citizens Conducted February 2 – 9, 2024 Margin of Error ±2.6%

Four months after Hamas attacked Israel, has American opinion on the longstanding conflict changed?

1. How much, if at all, does the Israeli-Palestinian conflict matter to you?

  • A great deal 26%
  • A fair amount 38%
  • Not very much 20%
  • Not at all 9%
  • Not sure 7%

2. Do you think there will ever be peace in the Middle East?

  • Yes 17%
  • No 59%
  • Not sure 24%
Ever Peace in Middle East Yes Not sure No
U.S. adult citizens 16.56% 24.10% 59.34%
18- to 29-year-olds 34.89% 28.54% 36.57%
30- to 44-year-olds 21.79% 27.23% 50.99%
45- to 64-year-olds 9.22% 21.82% 68.96%
65 and older 4.26% 19.81% 75.93%
Generated by wpDataTables

3. Who do you think is more to blame for the failure to reach peace in the Middle East?

  • The Israelis 15%
  • The Palestinians 29%
  • Both sides about equally 41%
  • No answer 15%

4. We would like to know your impression, even if you are not very sure about it. Is it your impression that more countries in the world are more sympathetic to the Israeli or the Palestinian position, or is it roughly balanced? 

  • Israeli position 28%
  • Palestinian position 26%
  • Balanced 26%
  • No answer 20%

5. Who do you think is more to blame for the war in the Gaza Strip: Israel or Hamas?

  • Israel 12%
  • Hamas 49%
  • Both 23%
  • Other 1%
  • Don’t know 16%

6. Do you think the Israeli government is right or wrong to allow Israeli settlements to be built in the West Bank?

  • Right 24%
  • Wrong 28%
  • Not sure 48%

7. Thinking about the current Middle East conflict, do you think the press has been too critical, not critical enough or fair in the way it has covered?

Too criticalNot criticalenoughFairDon’t know
The actions of Israel30%26%20%24%
The actions of Hamas14%39%21%25%

8. Do you think that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinian civilians?

  • Yes 36%
  • No 36%
  • Not sure 28%

9. Do you think that Hamas is committing genocide against Israeli civilians?

  • Yes 54%
  • No 18%
  • Not sure 28%

10. Do you think that Israel is taking actions that are intended to destroy all Palestinian people?

  • Yes 31%
  • No 40%
  • Not sure 29%

11. Do you think that Hamas is taking actions that are intended to destroy all Israeli people?

  • Yes 56%
  • No 16%
  • Not sure 28%

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