
Dina Rubina — OPEN LETTER.

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Not long ago the Pushkin House in London together with the University of London invited the famous Israeli writer Dina Rubina to hold a meeting.
 The topic was to be literary – a discussion of the writer’s books.

 Some time ago, Dina received a letter from the moderator of the meeting:

“Good afternoon, Dina
The Pushkin House advertised our upcoming discussion on social media and immediately received critical messages regarding your position on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. They would like to understand your position on this issue before reacting in any way.
Could you formulate your position and send it to me as soon as possible?”
Natalia! “


from Dina Rubina

  “Dear Natalia!

    You have written beautifully about my novels; I am very sorry for the time you have wasted. But it seems we’ll have to cancel our meeting. The University of Warsaw and the University of Torun have just cancelled lectures by the remarkable Israeli Russian-speaking writer Yakov Shechter on the life of Jews in Galicia in the 17th and 19th centuries – “to avoid aggravating the situation”. I suspected that this would also happen to me, because now the academic environment is the main nursery of the most disgusting and rabid anti-Semitism, hiding behind the so-called “criticism of Israel”. I was expecting something like this, and even sat down three times to write you a letter on the subject… but I decided to wait, and so I have waited.

That’s what I want to say to all those who expect from me a quick and obsequious account of my position on my beloved country, which now (and always) lives in a circle of ardent enemies who seek its destruction; on my country, which is now waging a just patriotic war against a violent, ruthless, deceitful and sophisticated enemy:

The last time in my life I apologised in the headmaster’s office, in the ninth grade. Since then, I have done what I think is right, listening only to my conscience and expressing only my understanding of the world order and human laws of justice.

And so on.

I’m really sorry, Natalia, for your efforts and the hope that you could “cook something with me” – something that everyone will like.

Therefore, I ask you personally to send my reply to all those who are interested:

On Saturday 7 October, the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, the ruthless, well-trained, carefully prepared and perfectly equipped with Iranian weapons Hamas terrorist regime ruling the Gaza enclave (which Israel left some 20 years ago) attacked dozens of peaceful kibbutzim and simultaneously pelted the territory of my country with tens of thousands of rockets. Atrocities that even the Bible cannot describe, atrocities and horrors that make the crimes of Sodom and Gomorrah pale in comparison (captured, by the way, by the frontal and chest cameras of the murderers themselves and boastfully sent by them in real time to the Internet), can shock any normal person. For several hours, thousands of gleeful, blood-drunk animals raped women, children and men, shot their victims in the crotch and in the head, cut off women’s breasts and played football with them, cut babies out of the bellies of pregnant women and immediately beheaded them, tied up small children and burned them. There were so many charred and completely burnt bodies that for many weeks the pathologists could not cope with the enormous burden of identifying individuals.

   My friend, who worked in a New York hospital waiting room for 20 years and then spent another 15 years in Israel identifying remains, was one of the first to arrive in the burned and blood-soaked kibbutzim with a group of rescuers and medics… She still can’t sleep. A medic used to cutting up bodies – she fainted from what she saw and then vomited all the way back to the car. What these people have seen is beyond words.

    Together with the Hamas fighters, the “civilian population” rushed into the holes in the fence, joined the pogroms on an unprecedented scale, robbed, killed and dragged whatever they could get their hands on into Gaza. Among these “peaceful Palestinians” were 450 members of the UN’s UNRWA scum. Everyone was there, and judging by the stormy total joy of the population (also captured in these inconvenient times by hundreds of mobile cameras) – there were a lot of people – Hamas supports and approves, at least before the real fighting starts, of almost the entire population of Gaza… The main problem: our residents were dragged into the beast’s lair, more than two hundred of them, including women, children, the elderly and non-essential foreign workers. About a hundred of them are now rotting and dying in the Hamas dungeons. Needless to say, these harassed victims are of little concern to the “academic community”.

But that’s not what I’m talking about. I am not writing this to make anyone sympathise with the tragedy of my people.

For all these years, when the world community has literally poured hundreds of millions of dollars into this piece of land (the Gaza Strip) – and the annual budget of the UNRWA organisation alone is a BILLION dollars! – All these years, Hamas has used this money to build an empire of the most complex underground tunnel system, to stockpile weapons, to teach primary school children how to dismantle and reassemble a Kalashnikov assault rifle, to print textbooks in which the hatred of Israel defies description, in which even the maths problems go like this: “There were ten Jews, Shahid killed four, how many are left?” – with every word calling for the murder of Jews.

And now that Israel, shocked at last by the monstrous crime of these bastards, is waging a war to destroy the Hamas terrorists, who have prepared this war so carefully, planting thousands of shells in all the hospitals, schools, kindergartens… – here the academic world of the whole world has risen up, worried about the “genocide of the Palestinian people”, based, of course, on data provided by… who? That’s right, by the same Hamas, by the same UNRWA… The academic community, which was not concerned about the massacres in Syria, the massacre in Somalia, the mockery of the Uighurs or the millions of Kurds persecuted for decades by the Turkish regime – this very concerned public, wearing “Arafat” around their necks, the trademark of the murderers, rallies under the banners “Free Palestine from the river to the sea! – which means the total destruction of Israel (yes, many of these “academics”, as surveys show, have no idea where this river is, what it is called, where some borders are…). – Now this very public asks me to “take a clear position on this issue”.

Are you serious?! Are you serious?!!

You see, I’m a writer by profession. All my life, for more than fifty years, I have been folding words. My novels have been translated into 40 languages, including Albanian, Turkish, Chinese, Esperanto… and many others.

Now, with great pleasure, without using too many expressions, I sincerely and with all the strength of my soul send all the brainless “intellectuals” interested in my position go to ass. In fact, very soon you will all be there without me”.

Dina Rubina

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This post was last modified on April 28, 2024 11:57

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  • Congratulations for a fantastic article which reflects the absolute true!!!!

  • Dina Rubina, an arrogant and racist "intellectual" (why not return her disrespectful air quotes with interest?) who has publicly compared the Palestinian people to barbarian Huns from the seventh century (does she think we cannot read Russian?), makes all sorts of wild assertions about October 7th, a terrible event that nevertheless has nothing to do with the comic book images she relates in this letter. Nor, as is typical of such Israel chauvinists, does she address any of the genocidal barbarities that have been committed against civilians in Gaza and the West Bank over the past 70 years and, particularly, the last 150+ days of Israel's illegal and immoral genocide and land grab. "With all the strength in my soul," I say while quoting a soon-to-be-forgotten Russian "intellectual," the world will forget all about savage racists like Dina Rubina.

    • Dorothy, you are on a site that has a lot of information for people like you. It will be good for you to read. Welcome

      • Unfortunately, people like Dorothy have brains wired with anti Semitic wires and no information can rewire those brains.

    • DPS maybe you should look at the facts and who started this war. Yes it was the Hamas barbarians who make the huns look civilised that you seem to love so much.
      There is no way at all to justify the savagery and bloodlust of these subhumans who attacked Israel and you well know that these are not wild assertion as the evidence is there in bodies and videos and photos taken by this scum that you support.
      Hamas's aim is stated as the obliteration of Israel. Do you expect Israel to co-operate?
      Where is your sympathy for the millions of people suffering in other wars and ethnic cleansing happening in many other countries instigated by the same people who are behind your beloved Hamas/Isis and similar terrorist groups.
      Clearly you hate the fact that Israel is winning and will win this war does not please you, but denying the facts does not mean it didn't happen!.
      Did it occur to you that maybe if these Barbarians released the hostages, this would end. And who do you think has to make that decision?
      Denying it doesn't mean it didn't happen

    • Dear DPS
      Do you condone what happened on 07/10/2023? What would you have done if somebody did this to your family? Do you think or have proof that what Dina Rubina described regarding the events of 07/10/2023 is incorrect? What about the civilians who was murdered in Israel. Israel is not grabbing land. Look at the facts and leave emotions out of it. Stop hating and start to love people including them who you consider to be your enemy.

    • Has it been genocide against the Palestinians, this war would be over in 3 days. Hs it been an American, Russian or Arab army, Gaza would become a parking lot. For 70 years the Palestinian population has been growing exponentially. Israel gets genocide very wrong.

    • Talk about wild assertions, genocide by Israel?!! If Israel were committing genocide, then the population of Gaza and the West Bank would not have GROWN since 1967, but rather gotten Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank 1967: less than 1 million. Arabs in those areas today: 5 million)
      That is not GENOCIDE! You cannot have 500% population growth in a genocide.
      Do you see in Israel rocket launchers on residential streets, missiles hidden under hospitals and schools (yes, even UNWRA schools got in on the deal)? Do you see 5 year old martyrs with hand grenades, and children trained with automatic weapons, and calls to behead all arabs, wherever we can find them? You can blame every death on Hamas!

      If we had wanted to commit genocide the IDF could have obliterated Gaza in 3 minutes, long before October 7, we needn’t have risked the lives of our soldiers going into Gaza, we could have carpet bombed from the air, just like what happened to Dresden in WW2! War is tragic, Israel didn’t ask for this, every civilian life lost on both sides is a tragedy, but you must know that the number of Gazan deaths is hugely inflated, coming out of the mouths of Hamas themselves!! The actual ratio is combatant to civilian death is the lowest of any war in history.

    • What utter rubbish you spew from your poisoned mouth! FYI refugee status DIES NOT get passed down from generation to generation! Since HAMAS came into power, they have made sure that those "refugees" remain in poverty & became the object for International Relief Donations. All the monetary donations sent to be used for improving & building hospitals, schools & houses, were instead used by HAMAS to build hundreds of tunnels throughout Gaza. They DO NOT CARE ABOUT the citizens of Gaza, but only care about increasing their numbers of terrorists & rockets etc which they store in tunnels UNDER HOSPITALS, SCHOOLS & HOUSES!! They don't care if women & children get killed when they shoot their rockets into Israel, from behind civilians! If any children get killed by their rockets, they are quick to blame Israel! THEY are the savages, the heartless terrorists! Get your facts right.

    • Dear DPS. If you cannot source or have the ability to read the evidence presented to the UN by Israeli, Muslim and International forensic scientists, then just go to TikTok. Hopefully you will be able to watch Hamas' own footage without becoming physically ill.

    • Your are ill-informed - there is no genocide to Gaza and West Bank. I don't think anyone argues that Hamas is a Terrorist Government that has trained Palestinians to be "barbarian Huns" who rejoice and dance in the street over murder of women and children. A disgrace to the Muslim religion! and shame on you for ignorance! ....not to forgotten for the rest of the world who knows the truth!

    • DPS, it's amazing you don't address that the palestinians paraded and gleefully cheered when they raping and murdering. They filmed it themselves.

    • You certainly seem to be a part of the group that openly despises Jews and Israel. So by calling Dina Rubina an arrogant racist intellectual you somehow seek to justify your raging antisemitic views? Interestingly Israel is the only country in the ME that allows equality and a peaceful lifestyle within its borders for the LGBQTI community and allows Muslims and Christian’s equality of
      opportunity in employment and freedom to practise their faith.
      The arrogance is on Hamas and those who celebrated the barbarity of October 7 and the the only genocide is being perpetuated by Hamas and their supporters. You are not very deep thinkers, are you? You have no understanding of history and there is little to say to people like you who are swayed by any facetious argument that is dropped into your laps and you ignore the atrocities being committed daily over years against israel. Israel and Israelis have had enough. We are fighting back and the world is shocked! Good. Let them be shocked and take note that Jews are no longer cowering and afraid. We will fight back and we will not give a quarter to the serial killers across the border in Gaza who have openly stated their intention to do this sort of rampage again and again. We are ready to hit back at every quarter to protect, preserve and provide for our own.

    • DPS refers to the ‘comic book images’. Is this person completely insane? The ‘images’ she refers to were a log of the sadistic barbaric evil attacks by the perpetrators. So evil that the people who viewed them are tormented by experience and say they will never be the same again. Unlike others I don’t have feelings positive or negative towards the brainwashed generations of Gaza and the West Bank. Israel extended the hand of peace to them at least 5 times. Israel knows that people thrive in peace. But Hamas has stated their intent on numerous occasions: the death of all Jews. Dina Rubina is an amazing writer and your audacity in calling her a racist is unbelievable.

    • There’s one thing worse than an antisemite. That is an antisemite who is too cowardly to publicise their name. Isn’t that right “ DPS” ?

    • What an inadequate and embarrassing response. Do you really think a mouthful of insults without evidence is going to stand up to a towering literary figure? You don't belong in the same stratosphere. Your bleating attempts at a retort are a pathetic attempt to gloss over the atrocities of October 7th and the cesspool golf hate and terror that characterizes Gaza. Your words are simply a checklist of thoughtless accusations so typical of the anti Israel zombie brigade. A repetitive cycle of dated and tired and untried accusations. But I guess you think if you repeat yourself enough, lies become truth? To deny the atrocities and the hostages is unhinged, immoral derangement.

    • DPS, as always your narrative is repetitive without any facts. Fact: Israel a name given to Jacob had been Hebrew for over 3000 years. There was no Palestine or Palestinians until the Romans changed the name to remove any Hebrew name. Fact: Palestine as referred to by the British had Jews and eventually Arabs mostly sheep herders. The Jews after WWI bought land from the Arabs which was actually their land they bought back and tilled and worked it into a breadbasket. Then the Arabs wanted back. Fact: the Arabs didn’t want a land of their own because they would have had to work it, they wanted Israel because it was already flourishing. Fact: Arabs were offered a station 1948 but refused they preferred going to war. Fact: 2 million Israelis are Arabs living in Israel and in government. Fact: West Bank was Jordanian and Gaza Egyptian, nowhere in there was anyone called a Palestinian. Fact: Israel got out of Gaza in 2005 leaving the infrastructure to the PA. In 19 years instead of building a home and state they elected Hamas who turned a beautiful piece of land into a cesspool. These are facts that individuals like yourself ignore because it’s easier to stick to the victim state of mind. The shame should be on the Palestinians who allowed a terrorist organization to teach hatred and to starve them. With the billions they received they should be living like gods not in hovels. Anyone pretending otherwise is either purposely ignorant or intentionally blind. Which are you?

    • The barbarian Huns from the seventh century was a good description of the October 7th. Masacre!
      You think 70 years of “genocidal barbarities” as you call the consequences of the wars that Arabs and Muslims have launched against Israel to long? Try 2000 years of real Jewish genocide in both Europe and the Arab world! Almost half the Jews were assassinated in the IIWW, around 83,000 every month for 6 years!
      And in 1948 the Arab countries expelled about 900,000 Jews, more than the Palestinians and you have never seen anyone going back to those countries and behaving like a criminal and barbarian!
      What has happened in Gaza is horrific, but it’s not a genocide, is the result of an urban war started by a terrorist organization, I feel for all those children killed, but the real culprit is Hamas, there would never have been a war if it wasn’t for them acting as barbarian Huns from the seventh century.

    • There was no genocide against Hamas IS which 80% of the civilian population of Gaza. The barbaric genocide was against Israeli innocent women and children.

      You are a wild racist yourself.

    • Dina Rubina is a 1000 time more intelligent than you are and speaking the absolute truth with 1000's of videos and evidence to support it
      If you support Hamas you are a savage by definition,

    • My god what is wrong with you all of the visual evidence exists. All of the physical evidence exist. The Palestinians who did this who committed these atrocities who celebrated these atrocities are barbarian Huns. Every single Jewish person knows at least one other person who had a family member who was brutally, murdered or witness to brutal murders and rapes or kidnapped. No I’m sorry they are worse and the fact that you lie about that being, so what do you think that makes you a disrespectful turd

    • First, know your so called facts, Israel regained Judea and Samaria from the Jordanians not in a war of 1967, not Palestine, which did not exist until then. Secondly, the innocent Palestinians as you called them have been murdering innocent Israelis ever since.
      Thirdly and lastly, you don’t like the truth, Israel withdrew from the entire region of the Gaza Strip and the suffering people of “the innocent people of Gaza” was at the hands of Hamas not Israel. Dina Rubin is racist in your opinion, you are an absolute ignorant moron.

    • Probably because they are barbarian!
      What kind of people behave like that unless they are Barbarian brainless , Caveman mentality.
      Go join your evil, Vile Precious army!
      It takes one to no one🤮🤮

    • Ты назвала события произошедшие в Израиле 07.10.23 картинками из комиксов.
      Я от всей души жалею, что ты и члены твоей семьи не стали этими картинками
      И очень надеюсь, что твои друзья из Газы или из какого нибудь другого похожего места, нарисуют из тебя и твоей семьи такие комиксы.

    • Два возможных источника этого письма: или это ИИ , или это платное злопыхательство .

  • So beautifully encapsulated. I always wondered why so few people lifted a finger to save our people in Europe before and during the Second World War. The West’s loss of its moral compass as epitomised by its response to the horrific events of 7th October brings the same issues back into focus. It makes clear we can never rely on external support and must act as we have done, to safeguard our beautiful country in general and people in particular.

  • I like your style Dina Rubina. You speak for all Jewish artists, academics and professionals in their field.

  • Well written .. the world needs to wake up to terror carried out in the name of Islam.

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