
Hunger As A Weapon

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Hunger in Gaza: Numbers

The Integrated Food Security Phase Collection (IPC), a non-governmental organization monitoring hunger issues in various countries, has released a report warning that hunger in the Gaza Strip could start at any moment. By the way, they’ve been expecting it since November 2023, but it hasn’t happened yet. But as we all know, «any moment» can happen at any moment. This raises the question of whether or not Israel is using hunger as a tool to exert control over the Gaza population.

Various humanitarian organizations and activists, including those within Israel, immediately picked up on the report. UN politicians and officials have demanded an immediate halt to the use of “hunger as a weapon.” In other words: stop military actions and allow trucks to enter Gaza without inspections.

But what are the inspections for really? Does anyone seriously think that under the guise of humanitarian aid, trucks would carry weapons for Hamas militants?! When has that ever happened?!

This issue has become the subject of much debate, with many arguing that it is impossible to know for sure what is going on behind the scenes in the conflict-torn region. One notable aspect of the IPC report is that it clearly states that it is based on outdated assessments and does not take into account efforts to increase aid to residents of Gaza who are still living in the north. The report therefore speaks of «a potential for hunger» in the event of insufficient supplies.

So what is the current state of supplies?

The bare numbers

It is widely known that Israel has a reputation for being “cunning and deceptive”, especially when it comes to suppressing residents of the Palestinian territories. The Israelis do not disdain any methods: “lies, propaganda, and manipulations”. If you really wish to know the truth about the food supply situation in Gaza, then it is futile to listen to the representatives of the Israeli government. Instead, you should turn to statistical data.

The import of food into the Gaza Strip is monitored by international authorities. The whole world is concerned about preventing a humanitarian disaster in the region torn apart by war. And the figures published by the COGAT (Coordinator of Government Action in the Territories of Gaza and West Bank) website are verified data that is available to the public. Each food truck is tracked and every kilogram of provision is recorded. If these figures did not accurately reflect reality, UN (United Nations) representatives would have made a statement a long time ago. (Spoiler: They haven’t.)

Let’s take a look at the numbers.

Most recent update: Mar. 20, 2024 

  • 248 humanitarian aid trucks were inspected and transferred to the Gaza Strip (yesterday, March. 19). 175 trucks were transferred via Kerem Shalom and 73 via Nitzana. 126 trucks were distributed within Gaza. 
  • 21 humanitarian aid trucks were transferred via the Jordan delivery channel. 
  • A convoy of 9 food trucks made its way to northern Gaza last night. Over the last 3 weeks, more than 150 trucks were transferred to the northern Gaza Strip, most by the private sector. 
  • Over 200,000 doses of vaccines for Diphtheria, Tetanus, whooping cough, and Hepatitis B donated by UNICEF, arrived in Gaza yesterday, March 19. This is in addition to over 1 million doses of a variety of vaccines transferred to Gaza in late December.
  • Yesterday, (Mar. 19) 4 tankers of cooking gas designated for the operation of essential infrastructure in Gaza, have entered the Gaza Strip.
  • 101 foreign nationals exited the Gaza Strip yesterday (March. 19)
  • 5 water pumping facilities supplying water to over 200,000 residents in northern Gaza were refueled (Mar. 16), following coordination. 
  • 21 bakeries are operational in Gaza, providing over 2 million breads, rolls, and pita breads a day for the local population. 
  • Today, (Mar. 20) between 10:00 and 14:00, the IDF will pause operations in the western neighborhood in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, in order to enable movement of humanitarian aid.


  • More than a kilogram of food is delivered to Gaza daily.
  • Israel allows all provisions and essential items, including beds, to enter the Gaza strip.
  • The UN has provided less than half of the aid that is needed. Major contributors include the UAE, Dubai and Turkey.
  • Currently, there are more aid trucks entering Gaza than there were before October 7.
  • Since the start of the war, more than 17,000 trucks have entered Gaza.
  • On March 18, 3760 tonnes of food were imported into Gaza.

Overall, when accusations of genocide fail, Israel is accused of deliberately starving Gaza’s population. This is all under the banner of “Perhaps hunger will start there.”

An interesting fact

Hunger As A Weapon

In one of the messages from COGAT, croissants are visible in addition to Coca-Cola and Pepsi. From the point of view of UNRWA, French pastries are an essential commodity in a situation where famine can come at any moment.

Hunger As A Weapon

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This post was last modified on March 21, 2024 14:48

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