
Explanations And Answers — People

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Many were surprised by the pro-Hamas protests.

They were looking for explanations and answers.
In addition to the difficult ones, there are also simple answers.


I’ll introduce you to one of them.

According to polls in Norway, 34% of its citizens believe that it is “legitimate to kill Jews as part of the liberation struggle,” and 65% are sure that “Israel treats the Palestinians worse than Hitler treated the Jews during the Holocaust.”

One of the key roles in the demonization of Israel belongs to the head of the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, Espen Barth Eide, who previously held the role of special envoy to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.
Eide strongly opposed the intention of Norwegian King Harald V to express condolences to Israel after the events of October 7.
And he was the only one among the foreign ministers of Western countries who condemned, attention!, Israel for the “murder of Palestinians on October 7.
At the initiative of Espen Barth Eide, Norway supported South Africa’s lawsuit in the UN International Court of Justice accusing Israel of “genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.
In February 2024, the Norwegian Foreign Ministry issued a statement calling for a boycott of Israel in order “not to be indirectly involved in a potential genocide.”

During the scandal that broke out after the discovery of the involvement of the UN agency – the UNRWA – in Hamas terrorists, Eide said that he would not stop financing this structure, like most Western countries, but on the contrary, increase it. And personally made a proposal to nominate the UNRWA for the Nobel Peace Prize.

After the Iranian missile attack on Israel in April 2024, Eide said that Jerusalem should not even think about a response: “This is not a case where international law allows some kind of retaliation”.

This year, at the May Day event, the Norwegian Foreign Minister appeared together with his party colleague Mona Osman, who held a poster in her hands:

Fuck Israel.
Fuck capitalism.
Fuck NATO.

You can see these “Western” politicians in the photo.

I would like to note that Mona Osman is the daughter of the Palestinian terrorist Walid Osman, who threw a grenade at the Goldenberg Jewish restaurant in Paris, and then fired 70 shots at visitors.
6 of them died, 22 were seriously injured.

Do you have any more questions about what is happening with Europe?

We also recommend reading:

Alexander Rodnyansky — OPEN LETTER, Zvi Yehezkeli – The Hamas Massacre Was Not Surprising, Not To Kill Each Other — OPEN LETTER, Arab Public Opinion on the Israeli War on the Gaza Strip

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This post was last modified on July 18, 2024 14:39

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