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Exactly two months have passed since the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel. Many words have been said, much has been written, many tears have been shed. Now check out this document – CHARTER OF THE ISLAMIC RESISTANCE MOVEMENT (HAMAS) OF PALESTINE. (PDF attached)


  • About Israel: “Israel will be established and will remain until Islam annuls it, as it annuls what came before it.”
  • About the attitude towards the Jews: “… The Islamic Resistance Movement is looking forward to the fulfillment of Allah’s promise, no matter how long it takes, because the Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) says: “The last hour will not come until until the Muslims fight against the Jews, and the Muslims kill them, and until the Jews hide behind a stone or a tree…”
  • Motto of the Islamic Resistance Movement:
    Article 8:
    Allah is his goal.
    The Prophet is its leader.
    The Koran is its Constitution.
    Jihad is its methodology,
    Death for the sake of Allah is his highest desired goal.”
  • About the desire to solve the Palestinian problem: “There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except jihad. Initiatives, options and international conferences are a waste of time and a kind of child’s play. The Palestinian people are nobler and superior to manipulating their future, rights and destiny.”
  • On the role of women: “Article 17: The Muslim woman has a role in the struggle for liberation, no less important than the role of the man, because she is a “factory” of men.”
  • About the Jews: “With the help of money they controlled international news services, newspapers, printing houses, broadcasting stations and much more. With the help of money they incited revolutions in all corners of the world to realize their profit. They are behind the French revolution, the communist revolution and the majority revolutions that we have heard and still hear about. With the help of money, they created secret organizations around the world to destroy societies and promote the Zionist idea; these organizations include the Masons, Rotary and Lions clubs and others. All of them are destructive associations. With the help of money they controlled the imperialist nations and pushed them to occupy many nations in order to deplete their (natural) resources and spread unrest.
    There is no war in which they have not played a role.
    Every time they kindle the fire of war, Allah extinguishes it, but they always strive to sow discord on earth. And Allah does not love those who sow discord.”

In 2017, a revised Hamas manifesto included three departures from the 1988 charter: “Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea. Without compromising its rejection of the Zionist entity and without relinquishing any Palestinian rights”

This post was last modified on January 21, 2024 15:28

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